Italy Holiday

  • Italy
  • Emirates
  • 6 Days / 5 Nights
  • Bed & Breakfast
  • 4 star
  • Double Room
  • The Colosseum is one of those places for me that I want to go back to. I didn't think that would be the case, but I found it absolutely fascinating. I'd like to do a much more in-depth tour, going underneath, too.


About Italy

Italy might be the world’s most celebrated tourist destination, but it only became a unified state in 1861, and as a result Italians often feel more loyalty to their region than to the nation as a whole – something manifest in its different cuisines, dialects, landscapes and often varying standards of living.

However, if there is a single national Italian characteristic, it’s to embrace life to the full – in the hundreds of local festivals taking place across the country on any given day to celebrate a saint or the local harvest; in the importance placed on good food; in the obsession with clothes and image; and in the daily ritual of the collective evening stroll or passeggiata – a sociable affair celebrated by young and old alike in every town and village across the country.

There is also the country’s enormous cultural legacy: Tuscany alone has more classified historical monuments than any country in the world; there are considerable remnants of the Roman Empire all over the country, notably in Rome itself; and every region retains its own relics of an artistic tradition generally acknowledged to be among the world’s richest. Yet if all you want to do is chill out, there’s no reason to be put off.

There are any number of places to just lie on a beach, from the resorts filled with regimented rows of sunbeds and umbrellas favoured by the Italians themselves, to secluded and less developed spots.

And if you’re looking for an active holiday, there’s no better place: mountains run the country’s length – from the Alps and Dolomites in the north right along the Apennines, which form the spine of the peninsula; skiing and other winter sports are practised avidly; and wildlife of all sorts thrives in the country’s national parks.

About Hilton Hotel and Resorts

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Praesent eros turpis, commodo vel justo at, pulvinar mollis eros. Mauris aliquet eu quam id ornare. Morbi ac quam enim. Cras vitae nulla condimentum, semper dolor non, faucibus dolor. Vivamus adipiscing eros quis orci fringilla, sed pretium lectus viverra. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec nec velit non odio aliquam suscipit. Sed non neque faucibus, condimentum lectus at, accumsan enim. Fusce pretium egestas cursus. Etiam consectetur, orci vel rutrum volutpat, odio odio pretium nisiodo tellus libero et urna. Sed commodo ipsum ligula, id volutpat risus vehicula in. Pellentesque non massa eu nibh posuere bibendum non sed enim. Maecenas lobortis nulla sem, vel egestas dui ullamcorper ac.

Sed scelerisque lectus sit amet faucibus sodales. Proin ut risus tortor. Etiam fermentum tellus auctor, fringilla sapien et, congue quam. In a luctus tortor. Suspendisse eget tempor libero, ut sollicitudin ligula. Nulla vulputate tincidunt est non congue. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Phasellus at est imperdiet, dapibus ipsum vel, lacinia nulla. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Phasellus id interdum lectus, ut elementum elit. Nullam a molestie magna. Praesent eros turpis, commodo vel justo at, pulvinar mollis eros. Mauris aliquet eu quam id ornare. Morbi ac quam enim. Cras vitae nulla condimentum, semper dolor non, faucibus dolor. Vivamus adipiscing eros quis orci fringilla, sed pretium lectus viverra.

Package Includes

  • Roundtrip economy airfare on regular flights, including taxes.
  • 5 nights accommodation including breakfast & taxes.
  • Roundtrip Airport transfers in Italy.

Package Excludes

  • VISA fees.
  • Any item not mentioned in the “Package Includes” section above
  • All personal consumption items such as: Beverages, room service, laundry, telephone calls…etc.

Things to Do

Canals of Venice

Referred to as “The City of Water”, Venice is the crown jewel of water cities. Romantic gondolas, and Italian architecture along the Grand Canal helped earn this status. Stitched together with over 150 canals that have become central to its character, Venice has decayed since its heyday and has more tourists than residents, but with its romantic charm it remains one of the top tourist attractions in Italy.


The Colosseum in Rome is the largest and most famous amphitheater in the Roman world. Its construction was started by emperor Vespasian of the Flavian dynasty in 72 AD and was finished by his son Titus in 80 AD. The Colosseum was capable of holding some 50,000 spectators who could enter the building through no less than 80 entrances. Spectators were protected from the rain and heat of the sun by sails called the “velarium”, that was attached around the top of the attic

Manarola (Cinque Terre)

Mestled in the Italian Riviera, Manarola is one of the oldest towns in Cinque Terre. The “Five Lands” comprises of five villages noted for their beauty. Part of Cinque Terre charm is the lack of visible modern development. Paths, trains and boats connect the villages, and cars cannot reach it from the outside. The towns sprout out of the mountainside to provide a breathtaking view of the Mediterranean sea.

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